Now I remember my strangely intimidating dream which I woke upon this morning, having slept till late. A thought of the Arabic letter waw in the Thuluth script was tormenting me in my dream. I was anxious to make a difference between the 2 ways of writing of its head, […]
In English
Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds, by Natalie Zemon Davis, Faber & Faber, 2008, Paperback, 464 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0571234790, £10.99. Close to completion of reading it, a beautifully designed and comfortable to hold paperback, handy to meet the need of a traveler. This is the first time I publish […]
Twilight of Democracy, by Anne Applebaum, Pengiun, 2021, Paperback, 224 pages, ISBN: 9780141991672, £9.99. „Never voluntarily leave the EU because its leaders have invented too clever ways to highjack EU funds“. Sounds like meaning Bulgaria but in fact targeting Hungary. One of this summer’s reads, Anne Applebaum’s 200 pager, „Twilight […]
Today we have it again. Three people have died in a knife attack at a church in Nice. One elderly victim was „virtually beheaded“, officials said.A male suspect was shot and detained. Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi spoke of „Islamo-fascism“ and said the suspect had „repeated endlessly ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is […]
Or why resolving the force fields between an academic white-collar and a DIY self-ascribed authority can be surprisingly arduous, and how arguments across the board including the Sokal affair and COVID-19 conspiracies tend to be articulated and take flesh over bones. And thy shall not ask what Humboldt and Gauss […]
This Unknown Land [in English], by Marco Schöller, Janet45, Sofia-Bulgaria, 2020, Paperback, 548 pages, ISBN: 978 619 186 543 7, BGN 23.75. I have my reading habits, clearly, with all my ups and downs. Scanning quickly through working documentation, reading in details essential information, focus reading on stuff you need […]
Hashtag Islam: How Cyber-Islamic Environments Are Transforming Religious Authority, by Gary R. Bunt, North Carolina University Press, Chapell Hill, 2018, Paperback, 232 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1469643168, $24.95. Been a while since I promised myself a review of one of my good academic reads recently – the “Hashtag Islam” of Gary R. […]
A calligraphy piece always starts blank, in infinite potentialities. One needs to choose among endless combinations of texts, media, scripts; a calligrapher faces an endless amount of possibilities of form that can – and shall – choose from. But then, he can start a calligraphy piece in two ways, somehow […]
Quarantine photos should have an end. Photos of thrown gloves, gloves of latex, gloves of canvas, gloves blue, gloves grey, gloves white, empty shop stalls, sunrises and sunsets, days gloomy and sunny, quarantine mornings and evenings, quarantines lonely and with friends, Corona beers and white wines, meats and salads, books […]
Parallels tend to spill over into, and down over to funny directions. Inevitable as it seems, we are easily tempted to project one’s own epistemological prejudice upon what’s out there. A natural act of building syllogisms, good or bad ones. Following a happy path of process design along the confirmation […]